Fire-Hardened & Carbon-Cured Cutting Boards, to Last a Lifetime

Care and Feeding Recommendations

Your Birdseye Boards will look and perform their best when kept lightly oiled.
Normal use and washing will eventually dry out the surface.
When your boards look a little dry it's time to dab on some oil.
This is definitely a time when less is more.

Remember that your Birdseye Boards have an inner seal of carbon.
It doesn't need, and won't absorb, excess oil.
It is easy to overdo the surface oil.
You want to put on only enough oil to refresh the surface, and avoid having to wipe off excess oil.

Torrefied Figured Maple Cutting Boards
"Torrefied" Figured Maple Cutting Boards in Various Sizes

Our Easy Oiler is a great tool to make this easy.
Use it to dab the oil on a folded coffee filter, paper towel, or clean cloth so a small area is damp with oil, and not dripping.
Smooth it out on your boards as thinly as possible.
The board should look wet, but be "dry."
It's best to always do both sides.
Take particular care to oil the ends and edges of your boards.
Let it rest for a day or a night before use.

We recommend our own Beautiful Board Balm for all wooden utensils.
It is pure tung oil thinned just right with food-safe citrus solvent.
It is "the bomb" for wood.
You can also use olive oil or other food oil of your choice.

The most important thing is to keep a little oil on your boards.